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  • 超豪华立式卡拉OK机(2T内存4万首歌)(仅限美国)
  • 超豪华立式卡拉OK机(2T内存4万首歌)(仅限美国)
    • 市场价USD$1437.60
    • 易尚价USD$1198.00
    数 量

  • 匿名用户 ( 2014-10-19 14:23:30 )


    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! 这种情况可以考虑莲花接口的线或者购买一台带麦克风插口的DVD,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注,如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-12-06 23:56:58 )


    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! 该机器不支持批量下载,还是得单首下载,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注,如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-11-05 13:16:43 )

    你好 我本人在法国 想问一下你的整套价格多少 这个机型能在家用吗 谢谢回复 396585604 qq号

    管理员:尊敬的客户,您好: 这款卡拉OK机非常适合家庭使用,北美地区是免运费的。如果寄到法国需要额外付运费,需提供您的详细地址才能计算出运费。 Customer Service

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-11-01 20:07:48 )

    Do you deliver to Canada? What is the price for selling to Canada?

    管理员:Dear customer, Thanks for asking, we need to charge $130 shipping fee for delivery to Canada, and there will be 3%-5% customs need to pay. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-29 16:30:31 )

    Can you tell us the model and version number of the machine with such price?

    管理员:Dear customer, The Machine model is 506. Software version is the most current version of Zebra karaoke machine we can offer. Selecting and play a song only takes about 0.5 seconds. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-29 16:21:39 )

    I want to buy one for my kids who mainly use English. Can operation menu be switched to English version? Do you have most recent US pop songs?

    管理员:Dear customer, The operation menu can be switched to English verison. Most of the 20,000 songs are Chinese because we are targeting the Chinese market. For most recent English pop songs you can download them on the website and manually add it into the machine. Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-23 16:08:22 )


    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! 点歌机没有升降调功能,那都是需要自己配置其他设备才有的,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注,如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-23 05:46:54 )

    HDMI中有声音输出吗?是二声道还是五声道? 谢谢

    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! HDMI中有声音输出,是八声道的,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注,如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-13 08:31:47 )


    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! 该触摸屏的大小是19寸,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注,如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-10-04 15:48:17 )


  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-09-22 18:15:39 )


    管理员:亲爱的顾客: 您好! 1T硬盘的词库:18000首歌曲(11000多首DVD格式,7000多首VCD格式), 其中80%都是原人原音原影,请知悉! 感谢您对易尚购物的关注, 如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系! Best regards, Customer service www.136888.com

  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-09-12 14:22:31 )


  • 匿名用户 ( 2013-08-21 13:10:50 )

    触摸屏反应灵敏,收到货之后马上试了一下加歌的 没有想到添加歌曲很方便,赞一个:)

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